January 09, 2020
Do you have a special spot in your home or garden where you've created sanctuary . . . that place that is just yours. A place where you sit, enjoy morning tea or coffee, journal, dream, pray, mediate, create and have quiet to just gather your thoughts and be.
The word sanctuary has to do with being set apart. It's a place of safety or refuge. It's a place where you feel at rest and have a sense of peace. It's a quiet place.
I have several places of sanctuary, the main place being my Cottage garden here. If it's too cold, I have a spot near the fire place in our dining area and because the beauty of nature restores me, a place of sanctuary can be found in most of the gardens at our farm.
The older I get, the more I recognize that I need that time to retreat to that space - my sanctuary. In a day where the buzz of life can easily distract, consume, rob that sense of peace - I need sanctuary. Sanctuary is part of my wellness and beauty ritual. It's part of my daily rhythm. My soul thirsts for it. Sanctuary helps to center me with my sense of purpose. That quiet ( it's morning for me) reminds me of what's really important: health, family, friends, creating, pausing for natures beauty. So many times, it's . otherwise, I can become weary, distracted and miss what's most needful.
What does sanctuary look like for you? Please feel free to share your comments, I'd love to read them.
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