Beauty & Wellness Gathering aka Beauty Soi-ree at Our Farm
February 06, 2020
For quite some time I've wanted to invite women to
come to the farm and join me in a
garden for coffee, pastry + gentle kinds of conversation
that have to do with
beauty, wellness, aging - for a
Beauty Soi·rée.
The idea wasn't particularly for a formal
round table conversation (one day perhaps),
but more so something that would happen
in an
organic sense.

It's a beautiful thing that can happen and the camaraderie
of heart and soul when women - simply gather.
Aside from coffee and gentle conversations,
there will be an opportunity to step inside
the studio and explore our beauty products.
These gatherings are called a Beauty S
oi·rée and
held monthly - on a given Thursday morning.
The date/time confirmation will be sent out to those
who subscribe to our email.
What is Soi·rée?
A soi·rée is a French word that has to do with
a social gathering often held in the afternoon or
evening for a particular purpose.
Coffee and pastries will be served at this
gathering for women 18 an older.
If you're a mom with little ones, please pre-arrange care for your children.